this is one of those posts…

…in which the blogger notes his/her continued existence, notwithstanding long stretches of silence, and makes excuses to the readership. Like, life continues to be more interesting than the blog, i’m trying to finish a book chapter *about* blogging, and now that I’m past the information-sponge stage of PhD candidature (so I’ve stopped just collecting stuff, for now), and my blog has reached some kind of generic equilibrium and has stopped feeling organic and emergent, I’m a bit at sea as to what it should be *for*….

So, if you’re still reading (and many of you no longer are, judging by my stats logs), what direction should I take with this thing next? What’s most interesting – hearing about the tribulations and/or eureka moments of my phd progress (when there is some)? More lame jokes? More playlists? More bits out of what I’m reading? Feisty in-group arguments with other cultural studies people? I’m stuck, please help.


7 responses to “this is one of those posts…”

  1. Yours was one of the first blogs I ever read. I can’t even remember how I found it.
    What I’ve always enjoyed about your blog is that it has always pointed me to other things; encouraged me to think about stuff that I normally wouldn’t; and has just been a joy to read.
    I also noticed early on that you listened to & liked similar music like DJ Spooky, etc.
    What should you do with the blog now? I don’t know.
    I’ll keep visiting every day just in case something happens.

    All the best,

  2. Hi Jean. I’ve been partially stuck the same way I think. Luckily I’ve had the cover of a lot of work to mask by general blogging lethargy. On reflection I think I started to write for an audience instead of for me and I felt pressure to come up with interesting tidbits each day. I’ve gone back to writing for me … what I want and when I want. Just a collection of things that take my fancy from now and then. Only common thread is that they have a ‘creative’ apsect to them. I still like to think peope will read them, but they have to be a story I want to tell, rather than have to tell. Cheers Paul.

    PS I always find your stuff interesting.

  3. please dont stop. I like the mix as it is and you give me hope for doing a dphil in media/cultural studies and of course i steal your reading lists 🙂

    it is understandable that you dont blog much at the moment, i can imagine it being really scary writing words of those words aren’t going somewhere sensible like INTO THESIS. But you shouldn’t stop. then youre just a statistic for the researchers! 😉

  4. But how much of this information gathering was actually a means to an end for your thesis? I think you’ll find that to a certain extent, blogging always escaped that kind of logic anyway.

  5. thanks everyone, i guess it has always been kind of random anyway, but it did seem to be a way to think through all the stuff i was running across, and now I’m trying to focus in. so let’s see what happens, shall we! Can’t always promise to be feisty mel, but will be sure to try when the situation warrants it!

  6. Slow Blogging

    Hmm, what is it with blogging academics at the moment? Most of the people on my blogroll (such as it is) seem to be in a go-slow period with their blogging at right now – Jean had to reassure us she’s still there; Jill signed off for the northern…