Category: cool finds

  • Design PrOn and some Serious Bespoke Action

    Via cityofsound’s I just discovered PingMag. Where have I been? The most recent entry is about the amazing Social Suicide line of suits. They have a line that’s available in stores and online, but it seems they still do bespoke suits as well. Here’s a taste: If you are a man with a tattoo, […]

  • the buddha machine: lo-fi zen minimalist heaven

    In the mail yesterday, I got a buddha machine, brought to us by FM3. I love it, and I made a minimalist lo-fi film to celebrate (see below). Incidentally, it was not only shot but also edited in about 10 minutes using the VideoDJ application (which is a perfectly functional video editing tool) in my […]

  • eggs

    I am sitting in our digital storytelling masterclass, where Daniel is showing us some of the work of the Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players – this is a bona fide family of three who scavenge boxes of slides from garage sales, make up wacky suburban post-folk punk 3 chord rock songs to go with them, and […]

  • virtuous game geekery

    In the world according to Ultima, apparently the Virtue with which I am most aligned is compassion. Thanks to Ben for leading me on the quest to yet another Internet quiz.

  • Laws of Cool

    Just got this link via email from my associate supervisor. You have to wonder what makes the voice of the shuttle any kind of expert on such matters, but in any case: they have a whole section of the directory devoted, not to “cool” but to laws of cool, with subsections on “cool sites of […]

  • shhhh…

    These and other funny, heart rending and disturbing secrets addressed to imaginary publics at postsecret.

  • Do you covet to sense wonderful following forenoon?

    Whatever autotranslator the spammers are using creates the most beautifully proximate language. Got this one this morning, and since it’s the first example I’ve had for ages that wasn’t about viagara, I thought I’d post it. Our late sight displays that it requires usually of just 2.4 boozings to induce a hang-over. But this pills […]

  • there are options

    Summer holidays require a lot of conscious allocation of time. A list like this one from found magazine might help:

  • Canada 2.0

    Apparently a lot of disappointed Americans are joking about moving to Canada (which I guess is analogous to us joking about moving to New Zealand). Personally, I’d rather go the whole hog and move to Norway, but of course the other solution is to simply redraw the borders. Thanks Carlos, who really should start a […]

  • Clock with things on wires

    There are more of these wondrous timekeeping contraptions at Klockwerks.