Category: site techlog

  • new theme

    Time for a spring clean, even though it’s nearly the end of summer. This is a theme called freshy. I was a sucker for the shininess! I’ve had a bit of a play with the colours, but it needs some more customising, when I have more time. [update] Sorry Christian! Let’s remember the maxim about […]

  • please update your links to

    Dear reader, Forgive the boring tech update, but… If your blogroll or newsfeed is still pointing to, please update it to (blog) or (RSS feed), cos one day not too far in the future I’ll be deleting everything from the hypertext server, including the .htaccess redirect that is automagically making it look […]

  • yet another redesign

    Aesthetic critiques and bug reports very welcome – especially if you have the misfortune to be using IE. I’m thinking I will rotate header images in an attempt to stave off the inevitable design fatigue, and hopefully keep this design for more than 6 months or however long the previous one lasted. I’m using K2 […]

  • I’ve moved

    After more than 2 years benefiting from Adrian Miles’ idea to set up a network of new media studies related blogs at, I’ve decided to move to my own domain and server (almost at the same time as Mel did). I want to publicly thank Adrian for answering all my newbie questions about wordpress […]

  • thankyou, spam karma

    My life since the last wordpress upgrade, which was only about 6 weeks ago i think: # Total Spam Caught: 9212 (average karma: -969.9) # Total Comments Approved: 77 (average karma: 15.18) # Total Comments Moderated: 130 My life before the upgrade was pretty much like: #Total Spam Caught: 0 (nothing to catch them with […]

  • all new lookin’

    Now that I’m back from the UK, and then back from Melbourne, and about to go even more into overdrive: time for a redesign. Naturally. That is, it was time. I didn’t have time, but did it anyway. Thoughts?

  • stupid internet explorer

    So apparently, this template is all wonky in Explorer on Windows, with text disappearing into the margins etc, even though it looks fine in every other f***king browser. I only discovered this when viewing it from a PC on campus. So, dear readers, can you leave a comment if it looks wrong from where you […]

  • New RSS feed

    If you’ve manually added my RSS feed to your aggregator, please update it to this one. Or, if you use bloglines: This has to be the end of the geek talk for today!

  • Looks like we made it…sort of

    OK, here’s a quick and dirty version of my brand new WordPress blog. That banner image is just something I whipped up, there are things that really irritate me about this template (just hover over the title of this post, for example) that I need more CSS nightshift time on. Took me a while to […]

  • *Gulp*

    I just installed wordpress, and am now migrating….cross your fingers. And say, bye bye design, hello big blue thing at the top!