
Just got this link via email: an interview with John Jacobs in Cyclic Defrost. It covers heaps of topics, e.g. activism, protest music, mash-ups, filesharing…here’s an excerpt.

Intro: John Jacobs has been an important part of argumentative thinking: through groups like the Jellyheads and Vibetribe, techno agitators Non Bossy Posse, video manipulators Subvertigo, and currently ?The Night Air? a weekly radio program on Radio National. These are projects that have evolved and fed off and into each other, providing ideas and momentum extending beyond the powering down of amplifiers at the end of a protest.

[…big snip…]

Jacobs: “I would like the ABC have a frequency dedicated to mashing up the media. In a different legal framework it would be great for everything available, all media outputs, to be remixed into one slot. That’s what I want and its not quite happening yet, but it will when someone knows how to program it and market it properly, something like an internet place where you can go and there is a kind of chaotic, edited, portal that brings together lots of text and visuals and sound that is a sort of freefalling cut-up?We do say that The Night Air is radio for the Google age. That’s where peoples heads are at.”