
After a few minor dramas importing from my old Blogger-powered weblog, and a few tedious hours re-categorising posts and tweaking css, here I am, all moved in and ready to blog. Feel free to pop a cork in honour of the event.

6 responses to “Housewarming”

  1. So how did you get a cgi bin database hosting thingy from rmit? I’m getting a bit tempted by vervehosting’s $5 / month hosting deal, but, ha, I’m not up to that expenditure right now.

    MT is really cool. I’m figuring out how to customise it on my sandbox server at home. I’ll probably end up using it as the CMS for the School website redesign.

  2. the old one went from light to dark and back to light again…I’m sure we will see an attack of redesignitis here before long too. 😉