Send that Stolen Music Back

Feeling guilty about all the singles and albums you have ‘stolen’ from the recording industry, aren’t you. They’ve explained how wrong it was, and now you’re very, very, sorry, right? Well…Send Them Back!!

Update: Tim points me to dispositive’s post where he points out that since the RIAA doesn’t own the copyrights to your mp3s, sending them “back” is just another act of illegal filesharing. And Big Brother is watching.

Seriously though, the idea, if not the act, of sending the stolen goods “back” does poke some holes in the “it’s just like shoplifting” rhetoric whereby the industry “loses” the price of a CD single whenever someone downloads an MP3.

4 responses to “Send that Stolen Music Back”

  1. that sites great. it reminds me of that campaign a few years back where people were gathering up those free AOL discs, and they were gonna take them to AOL HQ and dump them on their lawn

  2. by the by, i still think its a great idea, and as a symbolic act is really good and important, but thought that was an interesting aspect to the whole argument.