Dynamite, anyone?

Seems “propaganda of the deed” is already a slogan:

Propaganda of the Deed or Propaganda by Deed was an anarchist doctrine that promoted the decisive action of individuals to inspire further action by others.

As a doctrine-in-practise, its heyday was the period between 1881 and 1901, starting with the assassinations of Russian tzar Alexander and ending with that of United States President William McKinley.

Arguably it was in this period that modern-day international terrorism was born. The invention of dynamite, and its widespread distribution the 19th century, gave enormous power to anyone able to obtain it.

This newfound power led anarchists, notably Johann Most in his pamphlet The Science of Revolutionary Warfare, to advocate its use to further their cause through assassinations and terrorism.

By the mid-1890s it was clear that “Propaganda of the Deed” was a failed strategy, and most revolutionary anarchists, including Kropotkin and Malatesta, distanced themselves from the idea. A fringe continued the practice for a few years more.

But can’t we reclaim it, like viruses and schizophrenia, for the good?