
Birthday greetings to Herman Hesse, wherever he is.

From my favourite agent provocateur and radical hacker, David Berry, come the libre commons licenses:

This is a project to develop non-legal licenses that will operate in the shared space that can non-bureaucratically and non-instrumentally be formed resisting law, the intellectual property regime and state violence. These licenses are written explicitly against the presuppositions and caveats of the Creative Commons licenses which (un)consciously seek to use culture as purely a resource. Instead these licenses are anti-licenses; ethical frameworks or chromosomes of social practices.

The licenses come in two flavours:
Libre Commons Res Communes License

This license declares your work to a common that is shared between us as human beings. It is therefore owned in common with others.

Libre Commons Res Divini Juris License

This license declares your work to the realm of the gods. Where as a moment of clearing it contributes to a permanent state of exception rejecting state law and liberal conceptions of the nation state.

You have to love all that latin, it’s so hot 😉