first person: international digital storytelling conference

I’m going to be presenting at this – should be an interesting collision of practitioners and researchers (and people who are both):

First Person: International Digital Storytelling Conference
Friday 3 February – Sunday 5 February 2006
The Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, Australia

First Person will showcase Digital Storytelling as a new cinema of personal portrait, engage with story as an interactive practice and investigate the use of technology to share meaningful stories as a global community.


One response to “first person: international digital storytelling conference”

  1. Tagged by Greatness

    Heh. I’ve been tagged by Jean, who’d herself been tagged by Mel, I think. So, in the blogosphere’s best version of a not-for-profit pyramid scheme, lessee:
    Four jobs I’ve had:

    Listening into Soviet Red Army transmissions in East Germany, fr…