Author: jeanburgess

  • a spot of vernacular creativity on the street

    Given that busking paid my rent over several summers back in the day, I have a special place in my heart for buskers, and street drummers are super cool. I captured this video (on my phone, sorry!) while out strolling around sunny Boston with all the other tourists this afternoon. Enjoy. Here’s a direct link […]

  • Collaboration 2.0: C3 symposium

    After arriving in Boston very late on Thursday night, the first speaking engagement fellow cci postdoc John Banks and I had was the Convergence Culture Consortium one-day symposium at MIT. C3 is a research collaboration between Comparative Media Studies at MIT and a range of mostly media industry partners. The event was organised around the […]

  • everything the business traveller needs to know

    Seriously, I challenge you to imagine you are a caricature of a businessman, and then to think of any really important knowledge not contained in one of these three books. Above my (nice big) desk in my hotel room in Boston, which will be mission central for the next 10 days or so. And by […]

  • weather

    Autumn in Brisbane: Spring in Boston: That’s just so wrong. Apparently there may be sleet, which I’ve never really experienced. I know that posties go through it to deliver mail, but that’s about it. So that’s exciting, anyway.

  • complexity, pragmatism, cultural studies

    The title of this post is a bit too ponderous for its content, which is going to be nothing more than some quick-and-dirty thinking out loud. It was prompted by a few things: Anne’s brief post mentioning mess and method, my participation next month in a CRN Masterclass with John Urry on ‘complexities and mobilities, […]

  • Frack, no more BSG?

    As I do when I find a series I like, over the last couple of weeks I binge-watched all 3 seasons of Battlestar Galactica. I did the same with Heroes. In both cases, eventually the tragic day arrives when I’ve caught up with the States. At best, this habit means waiting a week in between […]

  • Design PrOn and some Serious Bespoke Action

    Via cityofsound’s I just discovered PingMag. Where have I been? The most recent entry is about the amazing Social Suicide line of suits. They have a line that’s available in stores and online, but it seems they still do bespoke suits as well. Here’s a taste: If you are a man with a tattoo, […]

  • you are what you txt with

    Some erudite cultural analysis of the relationship between mobile phone brand and social identity, thanks to Nielsen Media Research via the Lazy Research Desk at The Age: Sony Ericsson handsets are favoured by ambitious young men trying to make their mark; LGs are tops with mums; while Samsungs are wielded by young women focused on […]

  • morning gazette

    Some of the shiny things found in my RSS reader this morning. Jane McGonigal is something of a wunderkind in the games world. I don’t pretend to understand everything she does, but two things I like are the underwriting ethic of ‘meaningful play’, and the idea of ubiquitous games that are embedded in ‘real world’ […]

  • MIT5 ahoy

    Wonderful to see the tentative program for MIT5: creativity, ownership and collaboration in the digital age has now been posted – it looks jam-packed with very good stuff, actually. Our panel, Produsing Culture (not ‘producing’ as Axel was very, very quick to point out to the organisers!) has been scheduled for 9.00 Saturday morning…not usually […]