New Demos report on participatory culture
Via Tama’s del.icio.us , a new Demos report: Logging On: Culture, Participation and the Web In the brief history of the internet, the cultural sector has followed two related paths: on the one hand, the digitisation of content and provision of information and, on the other, interactivity and opportunities for expression. Some have seen these…
PhD acknowledgements: the YouTube version
Although I haven’t actually had my thesis bound yet, I thought I’d celebrate just a little anyway. So I made a video that I hope does a better job of thanking the people who cheered me up, listened to me whinge, or made me laugh while I was doing my PhD than the ‘official’ acknowledgements…
LOL everything
Via BoingBoing, LOL Presidents: Via Barry, LOL Theorists: Here’s one I made earlier: (Raymond Williams, btw) And then of course i started making meta-loltheory. Neil Postman sez: lolcat builder here. kthxbai
i’ve always said that old people rock
I know I’ve come to it a bit late, but I’ve just spent several minutes watching the Zimmers’ video over and over again, and smiling all the way. At one level, I like it because it is a much-needed demonstration of one way in which we might think about how to connect “expertise” with “amateur”…
no title necessary
I just got my PhD examiners reports via email after a long day at work. Both of the examiners say that no corrections are required in order for the degree to be awarded (although there are lots of productive comments and suggestions about what I might extend/improve on for publication, pretty much all of which…
to get better art we just need more love songs
I’ve been thinking again about relational aesthetics thanks to Kris Cohen who has been shooting me some of the discussions occurring around it and related matters in art theory, and generally hurting my brain, in a really good way. Being the intellectual dilettante I am, I’m just genuinely interested, but as before, I’m also trying…
‘an enhanced seriousness of mind’
The day after arriving back in Brisbane from MIT5 I hopped a plane to Adelaide for the CRN masterclass with John Urry on complexity theory and mobilities. As an ‘event’ it wasn’t exactly buzzing with dynamic engagement, but of course it improved once we got to dinner, and it was great to meet John in…
more on conferencing twittering
In the ‘questions and comments’ section of the final plenary at MIT5, David Silver made two comments about how the conference might be improved next time. He presented us with two problems: 1. The incongruity of the conference theme and the conference format. That is, should a conference that was investigating collaborative forms of cultural…
Slides from my MIT5 paper ‘Vernacular Photography 2.0’
Jill posted slides of her presentation just now – which is such a good idea that I thought I’d steal it
I worked from a script, but the full paper still has to be written into existence. When it’s done I’ll upload it to the MIT5 website. In the meantime, please enjoy the Flickr-ness…
Brief MIT5 update
you know you’re at MIT when… I’m enjoying the MIT5 conference immensely, although it is very distributed – both temporally, with something like 11 parallel sessions – and spatially, with rooms dotted around a few different buildings with no common meeting area (but that’s just the layout of MIT). So catching up with people really…