Stray Book Sighting

As I sat down on the CityCat (a rather suave catamaran ferry thingy that travels up and down the Brisbane river) to travel home from university this afternoon (feeling extremely hot and crumpled), I noticed the girl in the next seat was reading The Secret History – a book that has never left my Top 10 (it even has fansites, apparently).

I said “great book” (as you do), and then she said, “Yeah, I found it just outside – it’s got this sticker on it…” What do you know, it was a caught BookCrossing book! I got excited, she got excited…it was all very Friday afternoon. I don’t quite know why this event was so thrilling – I guess it’s just that I love it when the online world flows into my offline one, or maybe something that I suspected could turn out to be short-lived blogosphere hype is proven to be ‘real’ after all. And I do love a cheerful revolution.