Future Applications Lab

Via my site stats I found the website of lalya gaye at the Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute, Sweden. Lalya is one of the researchers working on the sonic city project I mentioned a while back, and also the intriguing picture this project:

“Picture this!” explores the future of photography. The mechanical and optical constraints specific to analog cameras have disappeared with the advent of digital technology but still limit the way we conceive photography.This project aims at taking digital photography to the next level by developing new types of physical interaction with cameras, of visual representation and of hybrid picture-viewing.

In the context-aware (digital) photography part of the project, which explores how contextual elements like pollution, temperature, and the sonic environment might be “captured” and represented visually in real-time, they are working with the “experimental amateur” photography crowd at lomography to test and implement their ideas.

And now to degenerate into rambling…Is there something about the weather at the other end of this planet (Sweden, Norway, Canada) that produces coolness everywhere I look? Although on some comedy show on the telly last night someone referred to “Australia as the Canada that’s cool”, which bemused us to say the least.