make your own church sign

I made this one as a tribute to the brilliant work of jebni at antipopper, but you can make your own (via uber-coolhunter lorbus):

Speaking of antipopper, a recent post there takes us along on a fascinating wander through hobbyist production, consumer desire, and the politics of the boycott.

3 responses to “make your own church sign”

  1. Signs From God

    You know, nothing gets me to church faster than the scare tactic of eternal damnation. I saw this sign last week and couldn’t believe my eyes. First of all I have to admit I absolutely dislike church signage like this….

  2. Signs From God

    You know, nothing gets me to church faster than the scare tactic of eternal damnation. I saw this sign last week and couldn’t believe my eyes. First of all I have to admit I absolutely dislike church signage like this….