
Just when I thought I had this blog running nicely, I awoke this morning to discover that the comment spammers have found me. This means I will probably have to wade through the anti-spam plugins, tricks and fixes soon.

2 responses to “SpamSpamSpam”

  1. Yeah, it’s a problem. With student blogs it is going to be a major issue. For example the fictional student blog project I have just finished supports comments. The project is completed but will be kept online. I either have to do a lot of fiddling so existing comments can be read but not added to, or just check in every few days to pull the spam comments that turn up.

    What happens when you have 60 student blogs? As I will next year…. So, let me know what you find out about the plugins.

  2. Hmmm…I’m also planning assessment by blog for next semester, and I hadn’t thought of the spam comments issue. Although I’ll be using blogger, not MT, so it’s less of an issue anyway (the problem with MT as I understand it is the common architecture, making it easy for robots to scan and spam).