An Embarrassment of Riches

A busy few weeks here–on Friday we had a visit from Nick Couldry, who gave a seminar on the topics of citizenship, culture and the (im)possibility of connectedness to a ‘public sphere’. I’ve liked Nick’s quite particular approach to the key issues in cultural studies ever since I came across his provocative book Inside Culture, so it was good to meet him, and the discussion was good and lively–a good old-fashioned academic stoush. I’ve only just discovered that he also has an interesting take on the possible articulations between Actor Network Theory and media studies–maybe more on that later.

From Wednesday until Easter, I’m one of six fortunate people participating in a ten-day Digital Storytelling Workshop with UK social documentary photographer and Digital Storyteller Daniel Meadows. I’m expecting challenges, Eureka moments and a lot of insight into how amateur creativity does, can and (maybe even) should work. And I’ll blog the experience and the results.
