damn spam

urgh. Sometimes I feel almost as frustrated about ICTs as my students do.

Overnight I’ve been hit with a wave of (i.e. nearly a hundred) spam comments. I’m thinking of closing off comments to older entries, but I don’t really like the implications of this. I know that Tom from Plastic Bag changed the names of comment tags to hide them to spambots, so I might have a hunt through his archives and see how he did it.

Plus for some reason pings have stopped working.

So I got all brave and installed the upgrade to the free version of Movable Type 3.0 so that I could use TypeKey to require comment authentication. Except the server is missing some modules, and I can’t use the TypeKey authentication system without them. Pffft. It’s Friday and I still have more work to do.

Oh, and in a non-technical aside: if you’re here to leave a rant in the comments section of my post linking back to Steven Shaviro’s “Sympathy for Lynndie England”, I’ve taken it down. I know this move is totally against the dominant ideology of blogging (a dominant ideology that thinks blogging is always trying to be journalism), but I don’t want to be a war blogger.