Day One

Finally got online for the first time in three days today – a strangely unnerving and oddly liberating feeling being disconnected for that long. So after answering all the most urgent work-related emails, I steeled myself to overcome my fuzzy-headed jet lag long enough to write something about the first day of the OII summer doctoral programme…I was going to wax rhapsodical about the dreaming spires, the bridge of sighs, the centuries of tradition (and privelege) that you breathe as you walk down the street here. Not to mention the labyrinthine procedures involved in getting a Bodleian library card, the bright people (self excluding statement of course) who’ve been gathered together for the program, and the vigorous discussions that have already begun. But super-organised Kylie Veale has already done all that for me. Then I was going to post bad camphone pics of the view from my room…that’s been done too. Better luck tomorrow i guess.

One response to “Day One”

  1. Yeah I recently went through a couple periods where I had no internet access for 3 week spans. It was an odd but liberating experience. Now that I am back home though, I do not think I have the willpower to do it again of my own volition.