Looks like we made it…sort of

OK, here’s a quick and dirty version of my brand new WordPress blog. That banner image is just something I whipped up, there are things that really irritate me about this template (just hover over the title of this post, for example) that I need more CSS nightshift time on. Took me a while to get file permissions set up correctly, and blogrolling won’t export a usable OPML file for me (or, WP won’t import it), so I had to use their javascript after all. Plus, I have to find out how to redirect all my old permalinks to the appropriate WP pages, but apart from that, everything went OK.

I’m smiling, see: πŸ™‚

Thanks, Adrian for putting up with a barrage of emails that were redundant as soon as I did my own troubleshooting.

Update: I’ve just figured out that the annoying ‘tooltips’ that pop up when you mouseover links is something called “nicetitle”, done with css and/or javascript. Can anyone tell me how to make it go away? I don’t like it.

Update: Looks like I made it go away by changing the z-index to -20? [bemused shrug] That is, I think i broke the nicetitle.css file. Being incompetent comes in handy sometimes. Must…stop…playing…with…blog and do Real Work…

Update: Just noticed the layout doesn’t work properly in stupid Internet Explorer – the sidebar disappears down to the bottom of the page. I’ll try to fix it, later – – turns out the problem was long category names in the dropdown box in the sidebar – I just changed them to shorter names and now it works. But, really, since it looks perfect in Firefox, Safari, and even Opera – maybe get a better browser?

5 responses to “Looks like we made it…sort of”

  1. Laughed out loud at your techy fixes fixes, but at least they work!

    I have to say that it may be more rough around the edges compared to your previous polished blog look but I actually like the earthy, hard look. It looks kind of ‘real’ as if somehow the veracity increases with the bodge-ness of the hacks?

    You should sell this skill as a service… πŸ˜‰

  2. bodginess? what bodginess? πŸ˜‰

    Actually, I didn’t realise the design was ‘rougher’, I just thought it was cleaner, more open and inviting – the old design seemed too dark and cyber-mysterious after a while. But see how you reveal your rampant modernism by judging an aesthetic based on the extent to which it signifies ‘truth’??? Anyway, thanks David πŸ™‚

  3. GOOD POINT Jean, you go get him! I need someone like you on my side against David… πŸ˜‰ Nice new site,by the way, I allowed myself to be inspired by it and have redesigned my own…

  4. which bit of the nicetitle didn’t you like? if it was the coloured bits why didn’t you just take those out of the styles? The z-index is only meant to indicate if one div shows above another or sits underneath it.

  5. lol
    I didn’t like the look of it, it covered up other text on the page – just think it’s intrusive. If i understood what you were saying about the z-index, I wouldn’t have had to break it to get rid of it in the first place πŸ˜‰
    In the end, i figured out how to just delete it from the main template – duh