stupid internet explorer

So apparently, this template is all wonky in Explorer on Windows, with text disappearing into the margins etc, even though it looks fine in every other f***king browser. I only discovered this when viewing it from a PC on campus.

So, dear readers, can you leave a comment if it looks wrong from where you are, and leave your specs (browser, OS, screen res if you want). I’ll try to work out how to fix the css when I get a chance.

7 responses to “stupid internet explorer”

  1. oi, what was the specs of your uni pute? I have IE and your blog looks rad! Maybe it had munted resolution or something?

    I have 1280×1024, XP sp2, IE, and 96 dpi.

  2. I just think everyone should buy themselves macs! much nicer anyway! 😉

    my screen sometimes goes really funny and squashes the quotes you put in though, which is strange. Ok at the moment, so maybe a temp glitch…

    ps. i handed in the Dphil application… scary…

  3. it looks fine in Firefox.

    i never usually use IE but i tried it, and it went all wierd. the margins of your main text bit ate the leading edges of the text.

    i used IE 6, win2k, 1360×1024 res… maybe the people who use IE have installed the service pack for IE 6.